"hobnail boots going up and silk slippers going down"

Posted by Simon on October 10, 2006

In Reply to: "Hobnail boots going up and silk slippers going down" posted by kim galibert on October 10, 2006


My _guess_ would be that the "phrase" suggests that a situation comes which requires a change in attitude, as if changing from a kind person to a rough one, a tough ride ahead. I also smell some sexuality in this phrase. Also, this may well be the saying of a camp instructor to his pupils noting that a harder 'leg' of the trekking is ahead... ;-)



: my client's son's teacher is searching for the origin of the phrase "hobnail boots going up and silk slippers going down"

: i've googled till my fingers were raw....no luck.

: help! thanks!

: (nets christopher +5 points on his next exam)