
Posted by ESC on December 24, 2002

In Reply to: posted by Bob on December 24, 2002

: :
: : Greetings -

: : Would be very grateful to hear if anyone possibly
: : knows where a collection of the "If" phrases
: : as in "If wishes were horses then beggars would
: : ride" .. etc "If **** was *** then *** would/wouldn't
: : etc.

: : Many thanks in advance,

: Don't know a website, but here's one appropriate to the season: "If if's and but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas." I always liked the rhythm of that.

"If frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their ***** when they hop!"
( www.kool107.com/ GREGBIO.htm

If frogs had wings, and snakes had hair,
And automobiles flew through the air,
If a watermelon grew on a huckleberry vine,
Then we'd have winter in the summertime.