Egg in your beer??

Posted by Tricia on July 30, 2001

In Reply to: Egg in your beer?? posted by Bennet on October 29, 2000

Although Bruce Kahl's comments are interesting to read and very much appreciated, I would imagine that you were looking for more of what I am looking for in regard to this subject. You are looking for the instances in life when one might actually put an egg in their beer and think it was "a good thing." I completely understand, or at least I think I do. Why would I think you are thinking along the same line as myself? Because I had a Grandma that said that too. What I've been able to find while recently looking is that
German culture has recipes for "Egg Beer" for a treat. and also, eggs with beer in them (search for "egg in your beer"). I plan to try these at my next family function in Grandma's memory. Thought you'd be interested...if you even you will get this, I don't know.