Palms of victory, crowns of glory

Posted by ESC on May 17, 2001

In Reply to: Palms of Glory posted by ESC on May 17, 2001

: : : Hello all,

: : : I'm trying to find out some information about "The Big Valley". The first episode was entitled "Palms of Glory." Does anyone know what this may have been taken from or what it's significance is?

: : : Thanks,
: : : Holly

: : That was the one in which The Barkleys lead the resistance when the Coastal and Western Railroad hire bully-boys to force farmers to give up their land for a pittance.

: : Great show--over 100 episodes of Barbara Stanwyck!

: : Just a guess but the "Palms" may represent the victory of the good guys over the evil industrialists. Just my opinion!

: This has a Biblical/hymn ring to it.

Here's what I was thinking of:
I saw a blood washed pilgrim, a sinner saved by grace,
Upon the King's highway, with peaceful, shining face;
Temptations sore beset him, but nothing could afright;
He said, "The yoke is easy, the burden, it is light."


Then palms of victory, crowns of glory,
Palms of victory I shall wear.