"now my heart is full"

Posted by ESC on July 24, 2005

In Reply to: "Now my heart is full" posted by Mikko on July 24, 2005

: Does the phrase "now my heart is full" come from some specific source, and what is the context of this exclamation?

: I know it's a title of a Morrissey song - a fine song indeed. Since Morrissey often uses quotes from poetry and literature in his lyrics, I thought "now my heart is full" might come from somewhere too, Dickens for example.

: Any suggestions?

: Thanks,

: Mikko,
: Helsinki

I couldn't find anything specific about this phrase. But here, in part, is information from a previous discussion:

WHY DO WE THINK OF THE EMOTIONS AS BEING CENTERED IN THE HEART? The emotions are centered in the brain of course. But when we experience a powerful emotion - fear, anger, grief, love - adrenaline pours into the blood, increases the blood pressure and accelerates the heart. So it makes perfect sense to think the heart controls emotion. Otherwise when we say the Pledge of Allegiance, we'd have to put our hand on our forehead." From "Why Things Are: Answers to Every Essential Question in Life" by Joel Achenbach, Ballantine Books, New York, 1991.

The rest is at:
www.phrases.org.uk bulletin_board 19 messages 612.html