My heart is drenched in wine

Posted by Bruce Kahl on June 04, 2004

In Reply to: My heart is drenched in wine posted by Amanda on June 04, 2004

: in nora jones' song "don't know why" there is a phrase that says... "my heart is drenched in wine, but you'll be in my mind forever" what does "my heart is drenched in wine" mean??

She is lamenting that she lost her lover.
She is sad.
Alcohol is a central nervous depressant and her heart, the symbol of life and love, is drenched in a depressant which describes her mood.
The phrase means she is not in the best of moods.
Just my two pennies.

Don't Know Why by Norah Jones

I waited 'til I saw the sun
I don't know why I didn't come
I left you by the house of fun
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come

When I saw the break of day
I wished that I could fly away
Instead of kneeling in the sand
Catching teardrops in my hand

My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind

Out across the endless sea
I would die in ecstasy
But I'll be a bag of bones
Driving down the road along

My heart is drenched in wine
But you'll be on my mind

Something has to make you run
I don't know why I didn't come
I feel as empty as a drum
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come
I don't know why I didn't come