"talking through the back of her neck"

Posted by Word Camel on July 08, 2004

In Reply to: "Talking through the back of her neck" posted by Judy on July 08, 2004

: : : More Wodehouse.
: : : This is from The Code of the Wooster.

: : : What does it mean?

: : : :-)

: : There is a phrase "talking out of your @$$" which is used when a person is speaking about a topic that they know very little about and trying to fool people into thinking that they do. This could be a variation. Maybe this is a British variation? Could you supply some context?

: --------
: May be. I am not sure.
: This book was written in the 1930's.
: Here is the context:

: (the aunt says:)

: ".all I wanted was to tell you to go to an antique shop in the Brompton Road and sneer at a cow creamer".

: I did not get her drift. The impression I received was that of an aunt talking through the back of her neck.

: (cow creamer is a milk jug).
: The reason the aunt sends him to the shop is to lower the price.

I don't think this is a commonly used phrase per se. I think it just means he had no idea what she was on about - it was as bizarre as her voice coming from the back of her neck would have been. I don't think it's the same as the American expression - "Talking out one's ass" or the British experssion "Talking out one's arse", either.