But why else

Posted by R. Berg on May 22, 2004

In Reply to: But why else posted by Word Camel on May 21, 2004

: : would it be said then? It is a context of 'if you don't won't to go my way or their way, then I guess you can go your own way'.

: : ""Suit yourself" doesn't always have a context of argument or conflict, any more than "Do what you want" does. It can be said neutrally. One has to listen for the tone."

: : I don't think this is suitable to be used in agreement. By all means, listen to the tone.

: : "Hey, we're all going to the game. Want to come?"

: : "Sure great." "Suit yourself"

: : or "Would you like more steak?" Yummy "Suit yourself"

: : how about "I would rather date Mary than Beth." Me too, I think Mary is prettier. "Suit yourself"

: : "Suit yourself doesn't work in any of these examples - as given. Switch the response to one that disagrees and "suit yourself" works in each example.

: Not so. Yes, it's probably more common these days to hear it used facetiously but there are plenty of instances in which it is used neutrally.

: "We have swordfish or steak, so suit yourself!" "There are three bedrooms available in the cabin so you can suit yourself."

I don't understand "Suit yourself" as having to do mainly with situations of agreement or disagreement. It's said when offering someone a choice or clarifying that the choice belongs to that person, not to oneself. It's a lot like "Up to you" and not a lot like "Up yours."