Money talks

Posted by ESC on April 12, 2004

In Reply to: "Money talks, bull**** walks" posted by ESC on April 12, 2004

: : hello, I would be really glad if you could help me about the meaning of this proverb which I don't understand at all . I've heard it was an anti proverb or meta-proverb derived from "money talks nobody walks", but I can't find what it really means : power of money, speech vs action....?

: : thanks!

: I am from the U.S. and I've never really understood that phrase either. Money talks. Money = power. Bullsh*t is just talk. It's meaningless, hot air. That's all I know.

MONEY TALKS - "An offer of money is often the most persuasive argument in getting someone to do what you want. The saying can be traced back to G. Torriano's 'Italian Proverbs' ..First attested in the United States in the 'Saturday Evening Post' (September 3, 1903).Anoter common modern variant is 'money talks, bullsh*t walks'." From Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996).