Fizzy drinks

Posted by Henry on February 02, 2004

In Reply to: BUT WHAT ARE THEY CALLED IN ENGLAND AND AUSTRALIA??? posted by al on February 02, 2004

: : : : : In the US, it is called soda. In Canada, it is called pop. What is soft drink called in England and Australia?

: : : : Here in Kentucky it is mostly called soda or soft drink. One of my college kids reports that in Columbus, Ohio, it is called "pop."

: : : Some say that it's even called "tonic" in parts on New England. I went to college in western Massachusetts myself, but everyone called it soda, as far as I knew.

: : ::It was 'soda' in lower New York State, and 'pop' in most of the midwest. In California, it's called both, but that's because no one is really from here and they bring the word that was used where they grew up. (Apologies to native Californians)

In England, a fizzy soft drink is generally called pop. A popular one is Tizer and, in Scotland, IrnBru. In France it's called limonade. Lemonade would then be limonade citron.