And the last: waving the flag

Posted by Henry on February 29, 2004

In Reply to: And the last: waving the flag posted by Miri Barak on February 29, 2004

: : I hope this is my last one for this series:
: : Watering holes - refers to Pubs or Bars or both

: : and thanks of course.

: The police cars are standing near the pub and "waving the flag".
: Does it refer to the red light that's working, or is it methphorical and they mean:
: to make their presence felt, or so.
: And my thanks.

In nature, I would say that a water hole contains water. At a watering hole, wild animals can find water to drink. Similarly, people can get a drink at a watering hole - a bar, a hotel or in England, a pub or public house.

I assume the police are looking for "drunken drivers", drivers who have drunk too much alcochol. Many countries set a maximum level of alcohol in the bloodstream for drivers. I don't know which country you refer to, or how the police would stop an approaching car. I think that it probably means making their presence known. Good luck!