City mouse, country mouse

Posted by Smokey Stover on January 16, 2004

In Reply to: City mouse, country mouse posted by R. Berg on January 16, 2004

: : Hello, there was a question in my son's homework
: : that got me thinking. It's about the city mouse and
: : the country mouse. The city mouse visits the country mouse at the farm, and the country mouse offers him
: : seeds to eat, and some straw to sleep on.
: : But the city mouse complains, asks the country mouse
: : to visit him a *his* home. There, they eat human
: : scraps, and sleep in comfort on soft rags. But while
: : there, they get attacked by the family cat, and the
: : country mouse is almost caught. He survives, but
: : announces that he's leaving immediately - "it's better
: : to eat seeds in a safe place, than to eat cake where
: : there is danger"
: : This sentiment reminds me of a proverb or popular
: : saying, but I can't place it -
: : any thoughts appreciated.
: : Dave

: From a different translation of the same fable: "Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear."

: 17/1/7.html (link below)

They had town mice and country mice in Aesop's day? I didn't even know they had cakes and ale! SS