Yeah, I know what the WORDS mean

Posted by ESC on August 22, 2003

In Reply to: Yeah, I know what the WORDS mean posted by GPP on August 22, 2003

: : : : The dresser in Hay Fever says the phrase "...Writhing about the scullery like one 0'clock". Can anyone out there help me with what the reference to one o'clock is?

: : : Hell, I need some help with 'writhing about the scullery', never mind about one o'clock.

: : Well, scullery is part of the kitchen. What time do rich folks eat? Maybe it refers to the kitchen staff running around fixing and serving food and cleaning up.

: : Merriam-Webster online:

: : Main Entry: scul·lery
: : Pronunciation: 'sk&-l&-rE, 'sk&l-rE
: : Function: noun
: : Inflected Form(s): plural -ler·ies
: : Etymology: Middle English, department of household in charge of dishes, from Middle French escuelerie, from escuelle bowl, from Latin scutella drinking bowl -- more at SCUTTLE
: : Date: 15th century
: : : a room for cleaning and storing dishes and cooking utensils and for doing messy kitchen work

: But it's not helping me with anything in that phrase.

Pardon me? I was addressing the person that originally posted the question.