Silly season

Posted by Al on August 15, 2003

In Reply to: Silly season posted by Bob on August 15, 2003

: : : In August in the UK lots of us are on holiday and the newspapers don't have so much real news to print. They resort to trawling around for trivia - "June babies have a higher risk of anorexia" and the like. Do other countries call this the 'silly season' or is it just us?

: : : By the way, don't worry if your birthday is in June - that story was sillier than most.

: : Johnny Carson (U.S. night-time talk show host) used to say that all the time: "It's the silly season."

: Professional golf has the "silly season" in the winter, after the tournaments, when "The Skins Game" and gimmicky "challenges" are staged for television.

Someone is doing/has done a series of articles in on Slate about print media inventing trends e.g. teenage prostitution to fill their pages this summer. We joke about the "season of the shark" when referring to the media silly season a few summer back.