That sounds good too

Posted by Word Camel on August 06, 2003

In Reply to: Stop! You're making me HUNGRY posted by ESC on August 06, 2003

: : : : : Another question from the Brit-coms on PBS: what do you get when someone serves a "full English breakfast"?

: : : : The full heart attack on a plate - bacon, sausages, fried eggs, fried bread, tomatoes, mushrooms and anything else there's room for. I go for the vegi-sausage version myself so I'm not an authority, but I get the impression that the full English is easier to find in Ireland these days.

: : : And that would be called an Ulster Fry;
: : : 2 Rashers of Bacon
: : : 2 Sausages
: : : 2 Tomatoes
: : : 4 Mushrooms
: : : 2 Eggs
: : : 1 Soda Farl (the flat version of soda bread)
: : : 2 Potato Farls (Irish potato bread)

: :
: : The bacon is lovely thick bacon too. Non of this thin streaky stuff. *sigh*

: A full West Virginia breakfast from my childhood: biscuits (from scratch) with butter (home churned) and jelly (homemade), bacon and/or sausage (home grown), gravy, eggs (from our chickens), oatmeal, fried apples (from our trees), and coffee or milk (home milked) depending on the age group.

: I'm a vegetarian now so forget the meat. But I wouldn't mind sitting down to the rest. My mother used to get up first, fire up the wood cookstove and make all that. Of course, in later years things changed. Mom a) went back to work b) bought an electric stove and c) discovered canned biscuits.

But like they say, you can't go home again. If I went home again they'd be serving cheerios for sure!