Budget British airline Go Fly Ltd.

Posted by Henry on May 28, 2003

In Reply to: Budget British airline Go Fly Ltd. posted by Bookworm on May 28, 2003

: : "The sale of the budget British airline Go Flly Ltd. in the first half for 374 nillion pounds..."

: : I would like to know the meaning of budget airline or budget British airline. Does it mean that the company offers special prices and bonus, or the word keeps its usual meaning?
: : Thank you very much
: : miri

: A budget airline is one which offers cheap tickets and just the basics. There is no "first class" section, assigned seats, or meals. It's basically for people who don't want to spend a lot of money on air travel, or are on a budget. (Hence the name). The modifier "British" just means that the airline is based in England. There are budget airlines here in America as well as many other countries.

These airlines are commonly called "no frills" airlanes. They are common in Europe and America.