And yet...and yet...

Posted by Bruce Kahl on December 12, 2002

In Reply to: And yet...and yet... posted by david kipen on December 12, 2002

: hi, i'm the book critic of the san francisco chronicle, drawn here from google by your excellent treeing of the phrase 'weapons of mass destruction.' here's one that's been bothering me for a while: the now-ubiquitous repetitive phrase 'and yet...and yet...' where did it come from, and how did it become so inescapable?

: btw, who are you guys? how do you do it? and can you reply via e-mail to as well as on the bulletin board? i've got a newspaper column to fill in the next 3.5 hours, in case the answers are newsworthy and you're feeling especially industrious.

: all finest,
: david kipen

We are an international group of volunteers who share a love and fascination of and with the English Language.
I do not have an answer for you on your phrase inquiry but hopefully someone will post something here to help you out.
Please visit again!