Second Coming of Christ headline

Posted by Masakim on October 25, 2002

In Reply to: Second Coming of Christ headline posted by ESC on October 25, 2002

: My local newspapers used two-inch high type for headlines about the arrest of two men in the Washington-area sniper case. In journalism school we called these "Second Coming of Christ headlines." Nobody around here seems to have heard that term so I thought I'd share.

second coming The largest display type used for newspaper headlines; reserved for news of the highest importance.
From _NTC's Mass Media Dictionary_ by R. Terry Ellmore
TRA 29th July, 2001
The End Times.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
What would be the biggest story tomorrow's newspaper could report of the end of this Millennium? It would be an account of the end of the world as we know it, and the return of the Lord Jesus. Newspapers have always been fascinated by the thought of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. At a national conference of USA newspaper editors, there was a competition to write the greatest headline. The winner wrote simply: "Jesus Christ Returns to Earth". Years ago, while in a newspaper office to improve my skills at writing a regular newspaper column, I learned in the printing trade, the largest print type that can be used on a front page headline is called Second Coming Type.