Another think coming

Posted by R. Berg on October 31, 2001

In Reply to: Another thing/k coming posted by ESC on October 31, 2001

: : Is it "You've got another thing coming" or "You've got another think coming"?

: : Both make sense, but "think" should obviously be "thought," so if that's correct, then the phrase is a misuse of the English language so I'd guess it has southern origins (I'm from the South, so don't get mad!).

: : I heard "thing" first and would guess that's right, except that about 80% of the instances I've heard seem to be (sometimes it's not completely intelligible) "think."

: : Thanks for your help.

: My opinion: It's "you've got another thing coming." But "you've got another think coming" is used for (sometimes unintentional) comic relief.

When preceded by "If you think X," it's "you've got another think coming"--a deliberate folksy misuse of the verb "think," spoken forcefully and meaning "You're wrong!" "If you think you can run off with that bimbo and get an uncontested divorce out of me, you've got another think coming." It can also be used in the third person: "If those bureaucrats think they can raise my taxes three times in a year, they've got another think coming."

The difference in sound between "thing" and "think" may be blurred by the succession of "k" sounds in "thinK Coming."

"Another think coming" seems midwestern to me, but I don't know its origin or distribution.

Misuse of words is certainly not limited to the South, and anyone who thinks it is has got another think comin'.