Sus out

Posted by ESC on June 21, 2001

In Reply to: To get a bit suss on something posted by ESC on June 21, 2001

: : : I recently read an account in which the writer stated "I started to get a bit suss on the project after I observed the behavior, and eavesdropped on discussions among, the managers." What exactly might it mean to "get a bit suss" on something? -Patty

: : Websters has it as a verb but I dont think it is being used that way. It is British so maybe someone from that part of the globe can fill us in.

: : Main Entry: suss
: : Pronunciation: 's&s
: : Function: transitive verb
: : Etymology: by shortening & alteration from suspect
: : Date: 1966
: : 1 chiefly British : to inspect or investigate so as to gain more knowledge -- usually used with "out"
: : 2 chiefly British : FIGURE OUT -- usually used with "out"

: Maybe it's similar to "scoping something out" or "getting the lowdown."

British English: A to Zed by Norman W. Schur (Harper Perennial, New York, 1987) has an entry for SUS OUT - 1. Slang. As in 'case the joint,' i.e., reconnoiter (British 'recce). 2. Slang. As in. 'I'm trying to sus out what he means by it. (Similar to U.S. 'figure out.')