Once more unto the typo

Posted by ESC on June 16, 2001

In Reply to: Once more unto the typo posted by Bob on June 16, 2001

: : : Once more unto the Breach... is from Henry V and not Henry VI.
: : : Very enjoyable site.

: : Glad you like the site.

: : Indeed you are right. Who could forget Laurence Olivier's performance of the "Cry God for Harry" speech. Well, me apparently!

: : Gary

: Willie, Willie, Harry, Stee....
: Who can blame you if you stumble?
: Readers eyes watch you and me
: Check our facts and keep us humble.

: You'll be sent, if imprecise
: Off to exile, erring twice,
: Because perfection's out of reach
: Once more, dear friend, on to the beach.

You are a marvel.