"hang them out to dry"

Posted by R. Berg on June 13, 2001

In Reply to: "Hang them out to dry" posted by Bob on June 13, 2001

: : : : : : anyone know the origion of "hang them out to dry"

: : : : : Hanging clothes outside on a clothes line in the days before electric dryers.

: : : : I'm having a hard time with the idea that there's anybody over age three who's never seen a clothesline.

: : : That's true. But clothes lines may make a comeback. There was discussion about clothes lines in connection with the California energy crisis. Some communities now ban clothes lines because they spoil the "look."

: : No doubt those communities would ban my clothes for the same reason.

: Nonsense. You look just fine. I don't know about those shoes, though....

Your uncertainty is understandable: I'm barefoot.