Running with Wolves?

Posted by Scott Marsden on February 02, 2001

In Reply to: Running with Wolves? posted by Curious on February 01, 2001

: I hope this doesn't show up as a reply to an existing message, but this is the only way I could pose my question:

: Does anyone know the meaning of "running with wolves" - does it relate to "dancing with wolves"?

I have heard "running with wolves" in the context of the book title -- "Women Who Run With the Wolves". The book encourages women to get in touch with lost, feral/wild/natural instincts in order to become more "genuine" people. "Running with wolves" means to be more vital, vivid, instinctive, etc.

I haven't heard "dancing with wolves". Perhaps it's an offhand reference to the movie "Dances with Wolves". I can't see how the 2 phrases are related, as wolves run, but they don't really dance.