"Some people talk in their sleep..."----need author

Posted by Bruce Kahl on January 26, 2001

In Reply to: "Some people talk in their sleep..."----need author posted by joy on January 26, 2001

: I need an author for, "Some people talk in their sleep.
: Lecturers talk while other people sleep"

: can anyone tell me who wrote it?
: if you get this one, try helping me with my other two. thanks, joy

Hello Joy,
I helped you with the other 2.
I will help you with this one also if you need me to help you but here are directions to try it yourself. It is very simple:

First, go to: www.google.com

Secondly, enter just a portion of your phrase in quotation marks into the search box:
"Lecturers talk while other people sleep"

Thirdly, hit your "enter" key! :)

There is a quote out there along the lines of showing someone how to fish instead of always finding the fish for you or something like that!

If you still cant find it I will post it for you if you let me know.