Sorry doesn't feed the bulldog

Posted by ESC on January 16, 2001

In Reply to: Sorry doesn't feed the bulldog posted by Bob on January 15, 2001

: : I use it to mean saying sorry isn't enough. What is the origin?

: In business, to "feed the bulldog" is to generate sufficient revenue to meet expenses. I don't know much about bulldogs, but I'm willing to bet they get aggressive and insistently unhappy when not fed on a regular schedule. Overhead costs tend to be like that, too. The rent must be paid. The payroll must be met. Productive actions, not mere words, will feed the bulldog

I wasn't sure what the "bulldog" is and I'm glad you cleared that up. I wanted to add that, in one of those eerie Phrase Finder coincidences, I saw a variation of the phrase right after reading Cord's post. An exchange between a district attorney and a reporter ("Guilty as Sin" by Tami Hoag): "'I meant it,' she said, fishing her keys out of her coat pocket. 'I don't have anything for you.' ''No comment' don't feed the bulldog.'"