Talk to the hand??

Posted by Marcus on December 30, 2000

In Reply to: Talk to the hand?? posted by ESC on December 29, 2000

: : : : I would like to find out the derivation and meaning of "raise the palm", which I ran across in a 19th-century text. The context was that a certain behavior would cause a young woman to "raise the palm."

: : : : Thanks in advance for any information.

: : : : Jeanne Bornstein

: : : : raising her hand and confessing to adultry or some other indescretion? or perhaps quieting rowdy children?

: : It could also mean that she was preparing to slap somebody - perhaps for indiscreet suggestions?

: Does this have anything to do with an expression of maybe two years ago in the U.S. -- "talk to the hand"? I never did understand that. Example, a character on a TV sit-com is tired of her boss blathering. She raises her palm and says "talk to the hand." Roughly translated: shut up.

: ...I like it.