Brownie Moment

Posted by Brian from Shawnee on November 01, 2010 at 01:34

In Reply to: Brownie Moment posted by Baceseras on October 30, 2010 at 14:25:

: : What the heck is a Brownie Moment? Dana Milbank used it in his column in the Washington Post today, saying that a politician had a "Brownie moment" on a TV show. I gather that it's not good for politicians to have Brownie moments on TV shows. When I google the phrase I just get a bunch of hits from political blogs and columns that also use the phrase but nothing that defines it!

: [Milbank must have been comparing the politician to Mike Brown, disgraced head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 2005, or to Pres. George W. Bush, who said on television, "You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie," just when public revulsion at the mismanagement of the Katrina disaster was at its highest. - Baceseras.]

Yeah, that makes perfect sense, except that Milbank must have been comparing him (ironically) to Bush. The politician in question was praising an appointee of his, using the phrase "heck of a job".