Hearts and minds

Posted by ESC on May 11, 2009 at 11:06

In Reply to: Hearts and minds posted by Joe on May 11, 2009 at 03:56:

: : : The phrase "When you have them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow" has been traced back to Teddy Roosevelt, but I read somewhere years ago that it was first said by U.S. General "the only good Indian is a dead Indian" Sheridan. He said this about Southerners when they lost their war for independence.

: : Here's what was posted previously:

: : HEARTS AND MINDS - "The knack of turning a phrase was explained by Theodore Roosevelt to his young aide, Lieutenant Douglas MacArthur, in 1906. MacArthur had asked the President to what he attributed his popularity, and Roosevelt replied, 'To put into words what is in their hearts and minds but not in their mouths.' 'Hearts and minds' later became a slogan of sorts, as what had to be won in Vietnam." From a section on slogans in Safire's New Political Dictionary by William Safire (Random House, New York, 1993).

: : Another reference says, "A reader sent columnist William Safire antecedents from the Bible, a letter John Adams wrote in 1818, and a conversation Teddy Roosevelt had with Douglas MacArthur. Reporters and military officers in Vietnam labeled the 'winning hearts and minds' approach 'WHAM.' The Green Berets had their own version: 'Get them by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow.'" "Quote Verifier: Who said What, Where, and When" by Ralph Keyes (St. Martin's Press, New York, 2006) Page 236.

: The quote is aften cited "from a Marine officer" in the 1960's

: No "Green Beret" U.S. Army Special Forces would ever say such.

: Joe 101st Airborne

You should write to Mr. Keyes. I looked up the passage again and there was no source listed.

In "War Slang" by Paul Dickson (Bristol Parks Books, 2000, New York, Page 295), it lists WHAM under the Vietnam chapter but does not attribute it to a branch of the service. Says, "This was often officially stated as a parallel goal with winning the war."