Fortune favours fools

Posted by Joe on October 13, 2009 at 16:02

In Reply to: Fortune favours fools posted by Delphine on October 13, 2009 at 14:38:

: I can't find any information on the proverb 'fortune favours fools'. Can anyone tell me anything?

The Successful Seaman - John Flavel
Thus it was noted of pope Clement V. None more rich, none more foolish. And this is the ground of that proverb, Fortun favet fatiis: Fortune favors fools.

Whole works of the Rev. Mr. John Flavelý - Page 388
by John Flavel - Religion - 1799

... Fortune favours fools. Though the author of that proverb, in nick-naming
providence, shewed as little wisdom as he ...

The alchemistý - Page 252
by Ben Jonson - Drama - 1903 - 373 pages

Reference ' to the Latin adage, " Fortuna favet fatuis," ' - W., apparently well
known popularly at this time.

So widespread in Elizabethian days,