Jumping the shark

Posted by Frankie on October 13, 2000

In Reply to: Jumping the shark posted by ESC on October 13, 2000

: I came across this expression -- jumping the shark -- while looking for information about a favorite TV actress. www.jumptheshark.com/ page.htm

: Q. What is jumping the shark?
: A. It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now on...it's all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it "Jumping the Shark." From that moment on, the program will simply never be the same.

: The term "jump the shark" was coined by my college roommate for 4 years, Sean J. Connolly, in Ann Arbor, Michigan back in 1985. This web site, book, film, and all other material surrounding shark jumping, are hereby dedicated to "the Colonel."

: The aforementioned expression refers to the telltale sign of the demise of Happy Days, our favorite example, when Fonzie actually "jumped the shark." The rest is history.

: Jumping the shark applies not only to TV, but also music, film, even everyday life. "Did you see her boyfriend? She definitely jumped the shark." You get the idea.

Some of my favorite new or fad expressions stem from the business world.
ie: the 1980's term for layoffs "downsizing". I heard a new one in the early 1990's called "Category Killers". These are companies like Blockbuster video or Home Depot that open very large across America and take over the industry leaving smaller shops "downsized" to extinction. Heard of other business phrases?