Get pissed

Posted by ESC on December 14, 2000

In Reply to: Get pissed posted by Bob on December 13, 2000

: : : : : : What the origin of this?

: : : : : : I ask because in a recent conversation with a finnish girl I lernt that the phrase for "Cheers" in Finnish sounds very much like git-pissed and was wondering if this is a possible root of this phrase?

: : : : : Not likely. The Finns share a language that is spoken by only 5 million people on the planet, and its impact on the rest of the world's languages is, well, zero.

: : : :
: : : : 'Sauna' comes from Finnish; and Tolkien based one of his invented languages on Finnish, so it has had some impact. I can't help with the original question, though.

: : : My guess is that the origin lies with the colour of beer being close to that of urine (piss), and the fact that one tends to produce the other. (But my guesses have been wrong in the past!)

: : I looked in the "Slang of Sin" and "Big Book of Filth" without success. But I don't think this is too complicated. If one gets angry and engages in a fight or drinks too much alcohol, one is likely to "wet 'em."

: It's worth noting that in the U.S., when we say someone is pissed, we almost always mean angry or annoyed. In the U.K., it more often means drunk. (Of course, the two conditions are *not* mutually exclusive....)

Angry or drunk. Either way one is likely to lose control of bodily functions. Or so I'm told.