Kitchen sink drama??

Posted by ESC on October 03, 2000

In Reply to: What is a kitchen sink drama?? posted by Craig on October 01, 2000

: can n e 1 tell what is meant by kitchen sink drama??
: can someone help and email me there reply asap

: thanx very much for your help in advance

I couldn't find the term. Could this mean a "soap opera"? Or a drama that throws in a lot of elements -- everything but the kitchen sink?

The only kitchen term I could find was "kitchen debate" or "kitchen conference" referring to the exchange between U.S. President Nixon and Soviet Chairman Nikita Khrushchev while touring a "'typical American home' at the U.S. exhibition in Moscow in 1959." Safire's New Political Dictionary by William Safire (Random House, New York, 1993).