Lead SLED dog...

Posted by RRC on October 13, 2007

In Reply to: Lead SLED dog... posted by R. Berg on October 13, 2007

: : : If you are not the lead snow dog your view of the world never changes!

: : : What does this mean?

: : The phrase refers to sled dogs which are harnessed in a line to pull the sled. Except for the dog in front (lead as in leading the way, not as in lead pipes, the others all have a magnificient view of the back end of the dog in front of them.

: That's the literal meaning. Extended to human affairs, this supposedly cute saying expresses an opinion that unless you take a leadership position, your thinking will always be rigid. ~rb

It might if your leader's thinking is rigid, but I don't get that otherwise. I think it has more to do with never being in control of yourself, never getting to do what you want, etc.