A bit previous

Posted by Smokey Stover on October 31, 2007

In Reply to: A bit previous posted by George Henry Dumble on October 31, 2007

: What is the meaning, and is there an origin of the phrase... "being a bit previous"? I understood this to mean something like "being a bit cheeky presumptuous" and for some unknown reason thought it was of Yorkshire origin. Can anyone elucidate?

If we eliminate the British words, like cheeky and Yorkshire, the Oxford English Dictionary says you are right.
"3. colloq. (orig. U.S.). In predicative use. Done, occurring, acting, etc., before the proper time; premature, hasty. Hence (U.S.): presumptuous, rude.
"Usu. with modifier, as too previous, a bit previous, etc. [citations:]
"1869 Massillon (Ohio) Independent 18 Aug. 3/1 Two or three weeks ago..it was intimated that Russell & Co. would take a brief recess. It was a little previous to make this last announcement. The last named establishment is, if possible, more busy than ever. 1882 T. H. SAYRE Our Minister (MS.) III. 72 S. So it was you who dare to kiss me? Joe. Yes. S. Do it again. Mrs. B. Susie, you are too previous. . . ."