Black as sipe (sype sp?)'s ass

Posted by RRC on March 21, 2007

In Reply to: Black as sipe (sype sp?)'s ass posted by Smokey Stover on March 21, 2007

: : Does anyone know the meaning and the origin of "black as sipe (sype sp?)'s ass"

: Sipe, or its variant, sype, is a rather rare word, if also an old one. It means water percolating through the soil, or which has so percolated. It usually is pronounced to rhyme with pipe, but as sype-water in the southern U.S. it rhymes with peep.

: I have never heard or seen the expression you inquire about.
: SS

Closest modern sayings I can think of: black as the ace of spades or black as molasses.

If the reference is archaic (like Shakespeare/Milton archaic), it could be "black as cypress" or "black as cypress lawn" also spelled cyprus. Cypress/cyprus was a black fabric similar to crape that was often used for funeral attire, etc.