That don't pencil

Posted by ESC on August 21, 2005

THAT DON'T PENCIL - I don't understand. That does not compute. From an article about Leonard Lawson, who is "Kentucky's top road of the wealthiest and most politically influential men in the state." Kentucky is last in the United States for spending on schools but 14th in money spent on roads, thanks in great measure to the influence of Lawson.

"Lawson, who is 66, was born and raised in Beverly, a tiny community isolated in the woods of Bell County. He graduated from a religious mission school that -- in his words - 'mostly just kept us busy in church, so we didn't get into trouble.' Fifty years later, he remains painfully aware of his rough grammar and vocabulary, although he has colorfully colloquial speech. (When puzzled, he snaps, 'That don't pencil!') A shy man, he tries to skip public events." "Highway builder wields wide political influence: Influential Man Dislikes spotlight" by John Cheves, Herald-Leader staff writer, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 21, 2005.