Trolley vs Cart

Posted by Bob on June 29, 2005

In Reply to: Trolley vs Cart posted by James Briggs on June 29, 2005

: In the UK, when you go supermarket shopping, you collect the goods in a 'trolley'. In the US it's a 'cart'.
: In the UK a patient will often be put on a form of elevated stretcher with wheels, also called a 'trolley'. What's it called elesewhere?

In the U.S., that's a "gurney," although in the hospital it will be called (informally) a "cart." "Wagon" is slang for ambulance. "Trolley" is not often used in the U.S., as it is associated with street transportation vehicles on rails or tracks, almost universally replaced by "buses," on wheels. A tea trolley is still a trolley, but a relatively rare household object.