BlackBerry prayer

Posted by ESC on July 29, 2005

The Governor's Office in Kentucky is embroiled in a scandal that has been dubbed "BlackBerry Jam" since the alleged wrongdoers left an e-mail trail that is being used as evidence. ("BlackBerry jam spreading" mld/kentucky/news/columnists/12039855.htm ) BlackBerry being a wireless device that allows the user to access e-mail, etc. na/index.shtml They are all the rage and a real status symbol in state government. Although some of those recently indicted probably wish they'd never been invented.

A local newpaper carried an article that included these BlackBerry phrases:

Crackberry addicts - heavy users of BlackBerries.

BlackBerry prayer - common posture of a user with a bowed head trying to discreetly sneak a look at e-mail during a meeting.

Title: Are BlackBerry users plugged in to addiction?
Date: 07/28/2005
Source: Lexington Herald-Leader
Writer: Gail Appleson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch mld/kentucky/business/12241460.htm Accessed July 29, 2005.