Diamond in the rough

Posted by Henry on January 26, 2005

In Reply to: Diamond in the rough posted by David FG on January 26, 2005

: : Hoping someone might tell me if the phrase "diamond in the rough" is better suited for use as a replacement for "rare" or "uncommon", or it is more fitting if used to describe someone not neccesarily uncommon, just unpolised???

: Well, I would use the phrase 'rough diamond' which I assume means the same thing, to mean 'unpolished but having good qualities'.


Diamonds in the Rough
©A. P. Carter

While walking out, one evening,
Not knowing where to go
Just to pass the time away
Before we held our show
I heard a little mission band
Playing with all their might
I gave my soul to Jesus
And left the show that night

The day will soon be over
And evening will be done
No more gems to be gathered
So let us all press on
When Jesus comes to claim us
And says it is enough
The diamonds will be shining
No longer in the rough