For what it's worth...

Posted by R. Berg on January 23, 2005

In Reply to: For what it's worth... posted by ESC on January 23, 2005

: : : : : : : Not that there's anything wrong with them*, but when was it politically correct , and required, to have Gay and Lesbian Organizations on campus? In my days, I would have formed a strictly hetrosexual organizations (and established the entry requirements for woman who were to be inducted), but an organization based solely on sexual orientation was frowned upon. When did this expression become not only OK, but required?

: : : : : : : *thanks to the Seinfeld writers.

: : : : : : I guess you'd have to read a history of the gay liberation movement to find out when. As to why, there is strength in numbers. Heteros don't need the support of an organization because they aren't oppressed. Gays and lesbians are.

: : : : : There was a report on our local public radio station, interviewing high school students who were members of their respective high school Gey and Lesbian Organizations. It caught my ear because one student was from our town, a progessive college town. As I suspected, our high school was a model of tolerance. No problems. On the other hand, students from city schools (Chicago) reported considerable harrassment and threats of violence ... but from a surprising source: their teachers.

: : : :
: : : : Is there a phrase in here somewhere?
: : : Ah. Point well taken.

: :
: : "Not that there's anything wrong with that" as a qualifier is interesting. If only Larry David were here to answer the question of whether it was first used on Seinfeld....

: I'm sure they discuss that on the DVD sets. We have the first and are working our way up.

Lexi, the purpose of this site is to discuss the meanings and origins of English phrases. Your question would more likely find an authoritative answer at a cultural history or sociology forum. If you know the names of any national gay/lesbian campus organizations (sorry, I don't), their websites would be good places to start. Eventually you might find a statement like "The first chapter of X opened at the University of X in 19XX."