Glass slipper reprise

Posted by TheFallen on December 09, 2004

In Reply to: Glass slipper posted by Lewis on December 09, 2004

: : I know there's a thread somewhere in which Cinderella's glass slipper is mentioned, along with a purported origin of the mistake in translation that resulted in "glass." In the dim past I was informed by someone French (I wot not who) that the slippers were made, not of "verre," but of "vair," which is squirrel fur. Anyone know for sure? SS

: definitely heard the same thing - but glass is SOO much more romantic.

: L

Yep, there was earlier discussion whether Perrault's C17th French story had i) a glass slipper (verre), ii) a squirrel-fur or ermine slipper (vair), or even iii) some type of proto-lamé slipper (verg(i)é). Scholars argue to this day about i) and ii) at least.