
Posted by Smokey Stover on November 13, 2004

In Reply to: Secon-last posted by Miri Barak on November 12, 2004

: I'm not sure if I understood right.

: context:
: "[Compare with second-last example for Code 2. Both suggest that the article is encouraging, but one explains that in terms of style, and one in terms of content.]"

: I understood "second last" as the one before the last one, but then this sentence does not comply with their description, the last one does. could it be the last sentence somehow?

: Thank you very much

I'm not sure I understand, either. Although I've never heard second-last in conversation, I, too suppose it must mean second-to-last, or penultimate. However, I don't see any of the examples for Code 2 (whatever that may mean). Nor can I tell what it means to say "the article is encouraging." Encouraging what? More, more! SS