Dark Look

Posted by David FG on October 17, 2004

In Reply to: Dark Look posted by TheFallen on October 17, 2004

: : : : What is the meaning of the phrase "dark look" in a sentence like: "He gave us a dark look"?

: : : An unfriendly facial expression, perhaps one of suspicion or hostility.

: : I think a 'black look' would be more usual in the UK, which has the same meaning.

: : DFG

: I think St. Tony of Islington (our glorious Prime Minister over here in the UK for those who don't know) would frown on a usage of "black look" as being subconsciously racist, hence "dark look" might be less liable to offend the politicallycorrectistas - cf. "chalkboard". St. Tony may even have passed a law re the above (I wouldn't know, since I invariably ignore what the little squeaking glove-puppet has to say) - but it's a fair bet that if he hasn't, he will. How else is he to keep his loathsome lawyerly wife in £3.6 million mansions in central London, unless by extending the rich pickings available to her as counsel of choice (richly paid out of the public Legal Aid purse of course) for anyone bringing a totally illogical and groundless action?

Do I detect a certain amount of dissatisfaction with Her Majesty's First Minister and his learnéd wife?