
Posted by Confused on October 14, 2004

In Reply to: Frtiendliness posted by Megan on October 14, 2004

: I know this may seem needy but I truly feeel as a country we never have people that really care enough ot be friendly and if u do then you are a freak and a wierdo. since when is it wrong to be nice. anyone ever feel this way.

what aspect of language would you like to discuss?

I would like to politely point out that as this is a place where we discuss language (and the sexual conduct of convertible drivers) - at least a token effort towards spelling/typing and general wordiness is in order.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but even if we do wander off-topic, the site is language-based. If you want to chat and be friendly, why not start a topic about a favourite or mysterious phrase?