
Posted by Lotg (OZ) on September 08, 2004

In Reply to: How 'bout, Gary & the Convertibles? posted by Lewis on September 08, 2004

: : : : : : The Phrase Finder regulars should be called a ???.
: : : : : : group, covey, herd, company of intellectuals, ...I vote for a gaggle. Seems right.

: : : : :
: : : : : :

: : : : : Haha, so you reckon we're a bunch of geese??? Hmmm, maybe. Secretly, behind everyone's back, I call us Word Nerds. Not very glamorous, but hey, who cares.

: : : : Phrase Folk?

: : : ESC, yours is very polite. But Brian I remember that Phrase Head one too, and I vaguely recall it was Shae who might have said it. Anyway, I quite like Phrase Heads too.

: : Shoop shoop! (As in Word Converters)

: I like 'word-nerds' but what about The Intellilexia?

Actually Lewis, I like that one the best, but you wouldn't want to try saying it after a few drinks.