Moon around

Posted by ESC on August 23, 2004

In Reply to: Moon around posted by Cold zebra on August 23, 2004

: To whoever out there,
: Could anyone please use "moon around" in a commonly used way?
: I have the definition right here but not knowing what to do with

: 1. intransitive verb wander aimlessly: to wander around in a dreamy or listless state, unable to concentrate on anything

: 2. intransitive verb yearn for loved one: to be stricken with longing for an absent loved one, and rendered listless and dreamy as a result ( literary or humorous )

: 3. transitive and intransitive verb bare the buttocks: to bend over and deliberately expose the bare buttocks to somebody, either as a rude joke or as an act of defiance and disrespect ( informal

: Appreciate a lot more than your time and help.

"That boy needs to finish his yardwork and stop mooning around, thinking about his girlfriend."

It's kind of like daydreaming.