"The Future Dictionary of America"

Posted by ESC (USA) on July 14, 2004

New Dictionary Imagines Liberal Future
July 14, 2004 01:47 PM EDT

NEW YORK - If you've never dropped the word "dubyavirus" into casual conversation, urged that an official be "ashcrofted" or commented upon "The Cheney Effect," then you haven't seen the future, at least the future according to McSweeney's.

The ever-expanding genre of anti-Bush books has now entered the reference field. Coming in August from McSweeney's, the publishing house founded by author-activist Dave Eggers, is "The Future Dictionary of America," a Utopian tome set "sometime" beyond the present.

Contributors include Eggers, Stephen King, Kurt Vonnegut, Jonathan Franzen, Wendy Wasserstein and more than 100 others. Proceeds will be donated to "groups working for the public good in the 2004 election."
The rest of the story at: start.usaa.net/newsarticle?cat=10&aid=D83QNVHO0_story