Just be grateful

Posted by Lotg on April 26, 2004

In Reply to: PS posted by Rude Boy on April 19, 2004

: : : : : : : Does anyone know the origins of using the work "pork" as a verb. For example asking the question:

: : : : : : : Did you pork her?

: : : : : : I've more often heard "He borked her" than "He porked her." In an interesting episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," Buffy was accused of having let a vampire boink her. But, no, I can't answer the question. SS

: : : : : :::Not being up to speed on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", it would be interesting to know exactly what part of the anatomy one is boinked in. (or on) (or around)

: : : : The verb "to boink" has been around for about 20 years, I guess. I remember it from Cheers, which ran from 1982 thru 1993. It's a standard sitcom euphemism for heterosexual copulation. It's up to the viewer to decide what part or parts of the anatomy are involved in "boinking".

: : : : And the verb "to Bork" has been around since 1987. Judge Robert Bork was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Reagan, but the Senate voted not to confirm the nomination (58-42). Some say he was intellectually qualified to be on the Court, but was too far right. "To Bork" means to find a reason -- any reason-- to block a nominee without coming out and saying it's for political reasons. So common usage of this verb would be in the plural (e.g., "they borked her" or "they borked him").

: : : Absolutely right about borking, I should have found a more plausible couple of pronouns. As for boink, I missed the Cheers episode, but the "Buffy" episode may be worth a bit more detail. Buffy reruns are on 3 networks, all "basic" cable and hence subject to censorship. They can't really "simulate" sex in the usual fashion, so they place a fully dressed female (in a skirt) atop a male, with suitable bouncing. In the one episode that uses the word "boink" the female is an android closely resembling Buffy which the vampire in question has purchased. Buffy's friends don't know this, so they are shocked to see "Buffy" boinking a vampire rather than slaying him. SS

: : the verb "to bonk" has been around a fair while in the UK. there is no ambiguity about the genital nature of 'bonking' - although it comes from an older use of the word used as in 'to hit' - whether the word has any connection to 'bank' or 'banque' I don't know.

: "to pork" meaning to roger/shag/bonk/fuck/have carnal knowledge of/to know (in the Biblical sense)/etc
: first came to my attention through the expression 'pork swordsman' in that one's todger/tadger/John Thomas/willy/prick/dick/penis was described as 'a pork sword' for use as a stabbing weapon.
: In print, the first I recall of that was in a Robertson Davis trilogy possibly the 'Lyre of Orpheus' - and as he is a Canadian author, perhaps the expression is a Canuck one.

Who cares what you call it, just be grateful if you're gettin' it!!! Ha ha