Rose Rose Rose Rose

Posted by Ursula on April 15, 2004

In Reply to: Rose Rose Rose Rose posted by Bruce Kahl on April 08, 2004

I know this song very well. It is meant to be sung as an around. Here are the verses I know but there are many more.

Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose
Will I ever see thee wed?
I will marry at thy will
Sire, at thy will.

Ding, dong, ding, dong
Wedding bells on a April morn.
Carve your name on a moss covered stone;
On a moss covered stone.

Dear friends, dear friends
Let me tell you how I feel;
You have given me such riches.
I love you so.

Peace, peace, peace, peace
Wars have been and wars must cease.
People were made for such loving.
Peace, peace, peace

America, America
Shall I tell you how I feel?
You have given me my freedom
And I love you so.