Home Chimes

Posted by Brian from Shawnee on April 09, 2004

In Reply to: Home Chimes posted by R. Berg on April 08, 2004

: : What is the meaning of "Home Chimes"?
: : It was a name of a 19th century magazine published in England. Why would a magazine be called by such a name?

: : Thanks a lot.

: Did this information come through your eyes or your ears? There's a saying "Home, James, and don't spare the horses" (imaginary situation: upper-class gentleman commanding his carriage driver). In some accents, James and chimes sound similar.

Actually, a Google search of "home chimes"+"magazine" turns up a site devoted to listing old magazines. There was a magazine called Home Chimes published in London from about 1884 thru 1894.

Try this address for some details: www.philsp.com/ data/data132.html

But why would a magazine be called Home Chimes? I don't know.